Fair? Hardly. Double Standard? You Bet!

Now, as many of you who have seen my last post, a lot of times I write about relationships and things related to that. Now then, today's topic of discussion is whether women get unrealistic advantages when it comes to many things in life. All of you have heard by now about the runaway bride. In case you haven't, read my first post here. Women have the advantage in many, many ways including but not limited to: custody cases (if it's man Vs. woman, the chick has to be on crack not to get the kids), sexual harassment cases (who'd believe a guy if HE said he was harassed by a chick?), and physical advantages, meaning a woman can get paid as much as a man but for doing less physical work. But if you complain, she'll just respond "I can't do it cuz I'm a girl". But if you tell a woman she can't do it because she's a woman all hell breaks loose! They call you pretty much everything in the book, including being a chauvinist. How fair is that, huh? Sucks to be a guy sometimes, because while you can't tell a woman she can't do something because she's physically weaker than a man, women fully enjoy the benefits of these double standards. Now, my question to you is is this fair? What do you think?


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