The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow...Maybe

While (some) Democrats mourn yet another lost election (this time in Ohio), many Republicans insist the close margin is nothing to fret about. "Not so fast," says former Republican Speaker Newt Gingrich.

Personally, I think a 4% margin of victory is hardly a mandate. What's interesting is that the Democratic candidate was an Iraq War veteran. What better way to "support the troops" then to vote for one when they run for public office?

"Well, that's politicizing the issue," one might say. "If I have a different political leaning than the candidate, then I should have to vote for him/her if I don't want to, whether they're a vet or not. I can support our soldiers and still disagree with their political views."

And to that I say, "If you can do that for Mr. Hackett, I can do that when the President tries to link the supporting of American soldiers to supporting his various policies."


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