
Awhile back I expressed my surprise at Condi Rice's brushes with racism. After reading Eugene Robinson's article, I guess I can see why.

In a nutshell, Rice was sheltered. Completely. Her dad was guarding the house with a rifle at the front porch while she was practicing her piano lesson inside. Her friend was one of the victims of the 16th Street Baptist Church Bombing in Birmingham, Alabama, but she's not exactly shell-shocked about the ordeal.

Which leads me to this: I guess I can't fault her for her ignorance of the past because she was protected from it. Also, I can't fault her on not getting up to speed because she was never encouraged to do so. However, I don't want to hear anyone using her as an example of the "progress" of race relations. Her whole life has been keep separate from that issue, so I don't see any reason to bring her into it now.

I hearby deem this occurence -the situtation of being a minority without going through the trials and tribulations and growing up with so-so opinion on the whole matter (being neither fully pro nor con in issues relating to your race/cuture/religion)- to be "Ricism."


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