The Cut-And-Paste President

Ok, I'm check this headline:

"Bush Urges Senate to Pass Line-Item Veto"

That states:

"A line-item veto would allow the president to cut certain provisions in spending bills without vetoing the entire measure."

Nevermind that Bush has yet to veto anything. But hold on to that thought for a second.

After that headline, I see this one:

"Bush Ignores Laws He Inks, Vexing Congress"

Which states:

"Specter and his allies maintain that Bush is doing an end-run around the veto process. In his presidency's sixth year, Bush has yet to issue a single veto that could be overridden with a two-thirds majority in each house."

So my question is this: why does Bush need the line-item veto? He's already using the signing statements to declare his immunity (and disregard) to new laws. He cherry-picks the laws and whereas clauses, like "I reserve the right to torture," or "I don't think this proviso is constitutional so I'm not going to enforce it an any way."

What are the odds, that if he gets it, Bush's first line-item veto won't have anything to do with budgets or fiscal responsibility?


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