Maryland's Movers & Shakers

The following has been/is happening in MD politics:

1. Michael Steele admits he was the source for the WashPost story, where an "anonymous candidate" criticized his own party and President Bush. Well, this partially explains his politically-nondenominational looking website.

2. Josh Rales has drug center patients bused in to boost support for his campiagn. Yikes. At least he didn't pay them.

3. Gov. Erhlich and Mayor O'Malley claim to really want to debate each other, like now. And O'Malley claims that he'll raise stem cell research by $10 million is he's elected governor.

4. MD Senate candidate David Brian Dickerson has been accused of rape by his wife. But since he's not a frontrunner, I can't see this story going too far. On the other hand, if O'Malley and Mfume drop out, the spotlight will fall on Dickerson and Rales (all four are Democrats).

5. And this from William Braxton (what a cool last name), president of the NAACP's Charles branch: "People are finally realizing that there are African Americans that can get the job done. Let's face it, in Charles County the mind-set is a good-old-boy attitude. That needs to be dealt with, and it needs to come off the table."


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