Bad Poll Numbers = Start Quoting the Enemy!

The gem from my earlier post on Bush's new PR problems:

Both [White House press secretary Tony] Snow and White House counselor Dan Bartlett singled out the effort to quote the terrorists' own words as a tactic they hope will break through to ordinary Americans who may not be aware of the terrorists' aims. "We may be having a debate in this country about whether Iraq is part of the war on terrorism, but our enemies believe it is," Bartlett said. "We were trying to transcend the political debate in Washington by letting the words of the enemies speak for themselves."

This is how we win? Quote the bad guy? If Rambo, Batman or any other fictional hero came up with such a strategy, they would be laughed out of town. But in Bush's reality, this is supposed to be a winning tactic. Yikes.

If using the enemy's quotes is his latest and greatest means of gaining sympathy and political points, then Bush will be staring down the barrel of impeachment over the next two years.


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