If Change Happens

David Broder talks about what Sens. Carl Levin (D-Michigan) and Jack Reed (D-Rhode Island) think would happen if the Democrats regain control of Congress:

"When the senators were asked if a Democratic majority in the House or Senate would force the issue in Iraq by threatening to cut off funds for the war, they quickly ruled out any such action. Levin said that a simple resolution recommending to the president that he set a date to begin redeployment might do the trick.

Other forces could nudge Bush in that direction, he said: the growing concern among senior uniformed officers about the impact of the lengthy Iraq deployment on troop morale and unit readiness; and the post-election report of the special Iraq Study Group, headed by James A. Baker III and Lee Hamilton.

But after all the debate on Iraq this year, a change in control of even one house of Congress 'would have a major impact, a huge motivating force on the president to change course,' Levin said. 'More and more Republicans would join with Democrats in trying to get the administration to change course

Senator Joe Biden seems to agree. So for those voters where Iraq is the most important issue, the decision is simple: if you want a change in course, there needs to be a Democratic majority.


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