Suddenly, Conflict's a Bad Thing

For the Ironically Funny File:

"The White House is bracing for guerrilla warfare on the homefront politically if Republicans lose control of the House, the Senate or both — and with it, the president's ability to shape and dominate the national agenda.

Republicans are battling to keep control of Congress. But polls and analysts in both parties increasingly suggest Democrats will capture the House and possibly the Senate on Election Day Nov. 7.

Democrats need a 15-seat pickup to regain the House and a gain of six seats to claim the Senate."

"Guerrilla Warfare?" Like in Iraq?

"The U.S. military announced the deaths of a Marine and four soldiers, raising to 83 the number of American servicemembers killed in October — the highest monthly toll this year. The pace of U.S. deaths could make October the deadliest month in two years."

If the President didn't make the false case for invading Iraq, if he hadn't invaded the country without a viable plan for rebuilding and an exit strategy, and if he would be willing to be flexible with his foriegn policy, he wouldn't have a "war" at home.


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