America's Expectations Can't Be That Low

I found the orginal story at ThinkProgress, but let me relay the money-paragraph from Financial Times:

Al Hubbard, chairman of the National Economic Council, who is co-ordinating White House energy policy, has also raised expectations. In a speech at De Pauw University he predicted “headlines above the fold that will knock your socks off in terms of our commitment to energy independence”.

As TP has stated, Bush has made this promise before. I distinctly remember last year's SOTU when President SwitchGrass promised the moon and the stars, and then I remembered that this is the same President who still hasn't been able to deliver us a fully operation New Orleans.

But seriously: "knock our socks off?" Am I the only one having "Bring it On" flashbacks here? I think Bush's expections of the average American are as low as their expections of him back in 2000.


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