The Demons Within

It turns out that one of the officers involved in the killing of an Iraqi family had a history of mental problems:

Pfc. Steven D. Green was found to have "homicidal ideations" after seeking help from an Army Combat Stress Team in Iraq on Dec. 21, 2005. Green said he was angry about the war, desperate to avenge the death of comrades and driven to kill Iraqi citizens, according to an investigation by the Associated Press.

While I honor the sacrifice our men and women make to keep us safe, some people just shouldn't be in our military. We shouldn't encourage people who only want to destroy, maim and kill to be part of the world greatest armed services. And we shouldn't look the other way when they try to slip in.

Hopefully, Pfc. Green can get the help he needs, and the standards of the military will change so something like this won't happen again.


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