Actors (and Actresses) Are People Too

From any other Goodwill Ambassador, this might have a huge impact:

It has become clear to me that there will be no enduring peace without justice. History shows that there will be another Darfur, another exodus, in a vicious cycle of bloodshed and retribution. But an international court finally exists. It will be as strong as the support we give it. This might be the moment we stop the cycle of violence and end our tolerance for crimes against humanity.

Alas, it comes from the passionate actress Angelina Jolie, and since mainstream media is more concerned with her personal life then her activism, chances are her words (and more importantly, her message) will be lost in The Shuffle. Of course, the same twisted logic doesn't seem to apply to celebrities like Chuck Norris (who, thankfully didn't endorse that horrid Path to 9/11 movie).


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