The Class Reunion Will Be Thin This Year...

From the WashPost:

A suicide bomber killed at least 38 people and injured at least 44 more Sunday after detonating a belt packed with explosives at a college in northeastern Baghdad, according to wire service reports.

The bomber struck in front of the College of Administration and Economics in the Talibiya neighborhood shortly after noon, according to Col. Abdullah Salem, a spokesman for the Iraqi Ministry of Interior...

...The bombing is the second attack this year at a university campus in the capital, where officials in recent weeks have stepped up patrols and security measures as part of the Baghdad security plan.

"Second attack this year at a university in the capital?" And White House wonders why the media "doesn't cover the positives." How many "positives" can one find when schools are being blown up, houses are being raided and we still can't guarantee safe passage to the airport in downtown Baghdad?

We have to accept the reality of this situation: as long as we have a noticeable military presence in Iraq, the Iraqi people will never feel free, not matter how many times a White House official says otherwise. If we really want to achieve "victory," we need delegates, doctors, teachers and construction crews over there, not more tanks, bombs and bullets.


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