LOST: Nikki And Paulo

Now, that I've had some time to digest the last LOST episode, some thoughts:

1. It was very meta-healthy, almost as if the writers and producers were saying, "We didn't get to do exactly what we wanted, but we're going to do something memorable with these characters anyway." From Nikki's quip about guest stars to the couple "not wanting to end up like" Shannon and Boone, you got a sense that the ep was trying to justify the direction the show's been taking.

2. My first impression was: "If I had never read Edgar Allen Poe's Fall of the House of Usher, or watched the movies Along Came a Spider and Psycho, this ep would have shocked me greatly." but since I did all these things, the ep was more homage-like than anything.

3. Vincent apparently knew that N&P was alive. My question is: does paralysis affect body temperature? I ask because if it does, than Vincent's only means for telling that they were alive (at least to me) was smelling them and realizing that they weren't slowly rotting. But if not, than couldn't someone had checked (they were still debating the cause of death, after all) to see if the bodies were still warm? This bugs me more than anything.

4. This episode shows the importance of someone like Jack, Libby or to a certain extent John. No way N&P get buried with one of those guys around. No way.

5. I know most people feel different, but the flashback with Juliet and Ben felt forced to me, like that had to have a scene b/c they're cast members now. I'd rather have non-archived scenes of Jack and Sayid. Ben came off as a creepy Dr. Evil, revealing and reveling in his plan, and Juliet did nothing but tell us she thinks Jack's cute (I'm shocked, I tells ya!).

6. It was nice to see dead characters again in flashbacks, even if their usefulness on the island was limited.

7. Going by criticism of the characters, the day of winning the audience with a pretty face is over. I remember when 7-of-9 came on the scene to save Star Trek Voyager; ratings for her first appearance doubled. And I know it was the damn outfit (even though Jeri Ryan is a decent actress). But in 2007, with reality shows exposing how bad people are at acting, dancing or surviving, the word is, "you may be cute, but your ass better be able to carry a scene."


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