
OK, I just went through something that turns out to be more disturbing than I first theorized.

I used information from Iraq Coalition Casualties, specifically the chart of "Military Fatalities by Month."

There are currently 3308 dead US soldiers over the course of 1490 days. That averages out to be 2.2 dead soldiers a day.

If we go by the President's actions and words, our soldiers will not come home as long as Bush is in the White House. By my count, that's 643 days (from now until Jan. 20th, 2009).

If 2.2 soldiers have died per day so far, in 643 days an estimated 1,415 more soldiers will lose their life before Bush officially leaves office. That would, theoretically, put the grand total at 4,723.

Is the possibility of losing 1,415 more lives worth supporting a strategy that doesn't seem to be working? Whether you support complete withdrawal or simply a new tactic, there has to be some drastic change in Iraq or we're just doing the same ol'/same 'ol.


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