Can You Give a Team Some Love?

Nobody but the always uplifting DCOptimist has the Wizards doing anything of note in today's series. I know it's hard, but let's not forget that (A) Cleveland is a one-man band, (B) they did not significantly alter there roster since last year, and (C) their coach is not know as a "chess master" in the playoffs. Meanwhile, the Wizards have essentially scraped their old playbook; this is nothing like the team who played them earlier this season let alone in the last playoffs.

I would have preferred at least 15 games for the "new-look" Wizards to gel, but then again, I would have liked it if Arenas and Butler never got hurt in the first place. So you gotta do what you gotta do.

Anyway, I'll finish my grades on the extra players and the season and have it up around halftime.


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