Whither the Southern Baptists?

Apparently, there's a crisis a'brewin':

Southern Baptist Convention president Frank Page said Tuesday the denomination needs to set aside internal differences and be both “right and relevant” to revive languishing membership trends.

Page’s words came as moderates took their first steps to slow down conservative attempts to more narrowly define what it means to be a Baptist.

A South Carolina pastor, Page spoke Tuesday morning to thousands of “messengers,” or delegates, at the opening of the annual meeting of the nation’s largest Protestant denomination. The SBC has about 16.3 million members.

I think it's common sense that the bigger your tent is, the more likely you are to get members for your organization. Of course, where religion is involved, you will always have a certain faction of people who believe that their interpretation is not only the right one, but is constantly under attack from open-minded veterans and newcomers alike.

The solution for making this group (like any other group facing extinction) is obvious: find out what they can do for their town/county/state/country, adapt their group's beliefs/philosophy to it, and make it happen. Doing the opposite -making people bend to their beliefs instead of being a living example of the positives of their religion- is a sure-fire way to becoming extinct.


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