Around The Internets


  1. The GOP Debates today were interesting; they're talking about the economy and how it has an impact on the working American, but the irony is that this debate was on during the time when most of the working class is either (you guessed it!) working or on the road heading home from work. Regardless, Oliver Willis was nice enough to sum up today's debates, and SilentPatriot from C&L points out the #1 No-no in politics: attacking someone's mom.

  2. Only God can explain how this former "Friend of Falwell" met a very unusual end. God...and

  3. And let's finish off with something to put in the "Cry Me a River, Dickface!" File: Republican Congressmen whine that working five days a week is too much, and decide to quit helping the American people.

  4. I lied; one more nugget from Think Progress: an ad that President Bush put out to endorse his Social Security scam...that included (*gasp*) a child! Didn't he realize that this is using human shields?


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