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  1. Because rounding them all up would be blatantly racist: "An extensive mapping program launched by the LAPD's anti-terrorism bureau to identify Muslim enclaves across the city sparked outrage Thursday from some Islamic groups and civil libertarians, who denounced the effort as an exercise in racial and religious profiling."

  2. Good thing they're in re-runs: Conan O'Brien has a stalker who's also a priest.

  3. Every aspect of government has some kind of corruption, but stealing money from a school chess club? That's just wrong.

  4. Another holiday, another mugging at the pump.

  5. You better get your fix quick, because cocaine prices are rising (people actually calculate this kind of stuff?)

  6. In MD: a vote to cleanup the Chesapeake Bay is in the works.

  7. In Fairfax, VA: a 19-yr-old Sheriff Deputy is arrested for child, 1,000 images worth of child pornography.


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