The First Step Is Admitting That You Have a Problem

President Bush decided now's the time to talk about his past partnership with Liquid Courage:

In an exclusive interview with ABC News, President Bush spoke more candidly than ever before about his past alcohol addiction.

"I doubt I'd be standing here if I hadn't quit drinking whiskey, and beer and wine and all that," the president disclosed Tuesday to ABC News' Martha Raddatz during an exclusive tour of the White House residence.

The president told ABC News he quit drinking over 20 years ago -- cold turkey.

"I had too much to drink one night, and the next day I didn't have any," Bush said. "The next day I decided to quit and I haven't had a drink since 1986."

"And you did it just cold turkey?" asked Raddatz.

"I'm a better man for it," Bush said.

The president said his alcohol problem wasn't severe, but said he still had a hard time quitting.

Interesting that Bush didn't think he had a "severe" problem, yet decided it was necessary to quit. Personally, I've always been skeptical of people quitting an addiction cold turkey and by themselves, because unless you open up and get support, it's just so easy to justify minor "slip-ups" and find yourself back where you started. Combine that slippery-slope with Bush's trademark stubbornness and penchant to reject criticism, and I can't imagine what a staffer would do if they ever caught this man stumbling down the hallway of the White House with a 40oz.

That being said: if he's really been sober this long, more power to him; the last thing this country needs is a drunk Bush with access to the world's most powerful army and an array of nuclear weapons.

And for those that are wondering: if the date he gives for quitting is accurate, that would put it sometime between his running for Congress and going to work for his (then President) father.


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