When the Going Gets Tough, I'll Slash Your Paycheck.

A peak into how things would go should he become president, perhaps?

Near the bottom in New Hampshire's primary results and strapped for cash, Republican Fred Thompson's campaign is cutting staff salaries to free up resources for a last-ditch effort to revitalize his White House bid in South Carolina. The decision means Thompson will mostly forgo the next primary, scheduled in Michigan, on which rivals John McCain and Mitt Romney are already setting their sights.

"This campaign is going to be a South Carolina campaign," Thompson campaign manager Bill Lacy said in a statement released as New Hampshire primary results showing a McCain victory were being tallied.

"Revitalize his White House bid?" The guy only got 1%! Granted he did better in Iowa, but this time he fell behind "Write-Ins." That can't be too inspiring.

As for his "South Carolina Strategy," it doesn't look like he's making any significant headway right now.


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