When Having Spokespeople Becomes a Bad Thing...

I think John Edwards has a message that many voters want to hear, but when it comes to comparing himself to his fellow Democratic candidates, he needs better talking points

Thom Hartmann had a Congressman who's supporting Edwards on his show today and asked him the difference between Edwards and Dennis Kucinich (who also has a progressive-populist message).

The Congressman said (and I'm paraphrasing because this just happened), "You need to look at "presentability," you need to look at the voting record and you need to look at electability. Dennis Kucinich can't get elected. John Edwards can."

Now, if the "I'm more electable" argument is the strongest thing Edwards has, I feel sorry for him. It's almost like saying "I'm more photogenic" or "I'm more well-known." I'm sure there are other differences, and if Edwards is smart he'll rehearse some of them the next time someone asks this question.


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