Heads She Wins, Tails He Looses

For those of you who have been living under a rock for the past 20 hours, Sen. Hillary Clinton has won the Pennsylvania Primary. But as the Great Orange One himself has stated, the margin of victory is not substantial enough to support her most consistent argument: that she is better equipped to beat GOP candidate-to-be John McCain in the general presidential election.

Of course, instead of focusing on that, or the fact that her funds are running low, or that Sen. Obama still has a relatively comfortable lead, the media would rather focus on the growing non-story of why can't Obama "crush" her. And because of that, a difference of 9.38 (or is it 8.6 now?) becomes a difference of 10 instead of a difference of 9, because now the statement can become, "Hillary won by double-digits!"

Why is this a non-story? Because simply, it's not a hard question to answer: Clinton will not quit her campaign as long as
  1. She has money;
  2. She has her base (made up of blue-collar workers, women and older citizens);
  3. Her husband and top advisers still back her up.

Every state Clinton wins is important and significant. Every one she looses? Well, they weren't crucial; besides, she knew she was going to lose it anyway.

With that mindset, and the three components keeping her in the race, there is little doubt that this primary is going to the Democratic Convention. Which means more Calvinball...err, Clintonball, from the Democratic Party's most famous female fighter.

UPDATE: JP breaks down this stupid "He can't put her away" argument as only he can. But I still believe that if you factor in the three components, the reasons become clear.


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