Numbers Game: West Virginia Popular Vote

For those who love numbers: The Republican Winner of West VA. Primary received less votes then the 2nd-place (aka Loser) of the Democratic West VA. Primary.

John McCain: 89, 654 popular votes
Barack Obama: 91,663 popular votes

And Obama was the one West Virginians supposedly hated because they believed either (a) he was a Muslim; or (b) he is taken orders from his "Jedi Master" Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

In other words: a state who (presumably) bought into the negative stereotypes of Barack Obama still gave him more votes than a guy who presumably fits their demographic.

And how many more popular votes did Obama get? 2009.

And BTW: Hillary Clinton received 239,187 of the popular vote there, more that twice McCain's count. So either way you slice it, the Democrats in West Virginia were way more energized than the Republicans.

(H/T to Think Progress commenter "shoeless.")


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