Crabs In the Barrel: 2008 Election Edition

Remember back when Jesse Jackson got all snippy towards Barack Obama? Well, it seems like he's finally decided to apologize for that...and apparently some other more recent crap he's said.

I'm not saying that Jesse Jackson (and other Old-School Black Leaders) are jealous that Obama has a better chance than he does of being the first black president. Because it would be wrong for me to say that Jackson is jealous of Obama; wrong, wrong, wrong. Sure, Jackson saw himself as the heir of Martin Luther King, Jr. and probably envisioned himself being the one who would "make it to the mountaintop" in honor of King. Sure, Obama has run a presidential campaign that has been infinitely successful than Jackson. Sure, Obama has beaten one of the most powerful Democratic families in modern political history. Sure, Jackson has now been reduced to being "the well-known black guy who gives opinions on issues very much or even vaguely related to African-Americans."

But I'm not saying Jackson is jealous of Obama. No way.


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