Fear of Success

Oliver Willis has gone over this, but I wanted to expand on the story about some Black people who believe that an Obama Administration would set African-Americans back.

Quite frankly, these guys remind me of the people on the Right who constantly push passing abortion laws. Just how did that go during the five or six years when Republicans were able to pass virtually anything they wanted? Nowhere. If abortion was a real issue and not a "read meat" one, President Bush would have signed something before the 2006 mid-term elections. It wasn't seriously considered because the GOP knew that if that was taken off the "checklist" it would be one less issue to use as a rallying cry (hence the insipid "Barack Obama wanted to kill newborns when he was in Illinois" meme).

In a similar fashion, there are Prominent Black People (they're typically the ones who are called on the talk shows to tell the Scared White People what "Black America" is thinking/saying/feeling) who believe that should Obama take the Oath of Office in January, that will spell the end of their TV and radio gigs...I mean, that will spell the end of passion that ignited during the Civil Rights Movement.


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