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  1. Dare I say this was one person Texas needed to have on Death Row?
  2. First the story of the "exaggerated" fireworks at the Olympics, now this? Seriously: was anything real in that opening ceremony? Are people really competing now?
  3. Let's call it "blame transference:" people have blamed the Clintons for so much crap that the Clintons, in turn, have taken to blaming others for their screwups.
  4. The 40-Year-Old...murderer? "I call Judd Apatow to the witness stand."
  5. Way cool: cops are using GPS devices to catch criminals.
  6. "The aggressor has been punished." Um, yeah; that'll teach 'em to be democratic.
  7. D.C. is setting up what looks to be an awesome bike rental program.


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