Dana Milbank On The Maverick Catch-22

Too funny.

John McCain thought he was being clever picking a fellow maverick to be his running mate. The problem with mavericks, however, is that they don't follow instructions. Pretty soon they go rogue and before you know it you've got a full-fledged diva on your hands.

And there lies the rub: they didn't vet her, didn't run her by the campaign officials and didn't position her in the right light (why spend so much money on a so-called "hockey mom?"). Had they done any of this, they would have seen these events coming.

As much as the Beltway crowd likes to call Sarah Palin stupid, people in Alaska have repeatedly commented on her political savvy. I believe that she saw McCain decomposing in real time and decided that she needs to make some power moves (lest her own political career fade).

Your average politician, especially a Republican, would most likely stay loyal to the ticket. But then again, (as McCain himself likes to say) she did go up against her own governor (and eventually got his job).


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