No Main Topic

  1. Don't read this is you're a Cowboy fan. Otherwise: HAHAHAHAHA!

  2. New York, New York: it's a helluva town.

  3. The Democrats want a $15 billion tuneup.

  4. Remember the 9/11 attacks? Well, here's an update.

  5. Now I finally have my answer to the question, "Who would win between a pirate and a panther?"

  6. When The Today's Show Matt Lauer has to ask the New York Times about Jay Leno's TV future on NBC...let's just say you know that NBC is bumblefuckin' around.

  7. Because while they're certainly ideological, the Supreme Court isn't full of idiots, that's why.

  8. I'm sorry, Ma'am; you're going to have to check that monkey of yours with your luggage.


Didja know he's known as "Jethro" here in Dallas? Jones, that is.

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