"Crab Dribble" Is Spelled T-R-A-V-E-L.

This, Ladies and Gentlemen, is what you get when you combine a talented egomaniac with a League desperate for its next iconic star :

"I mean, it's a play that you don't see in this league much but myself," LeBron explained. "It's one of those plays where you have your trademark play, and that's one of my plays. You know, it kind of looks like a travel because it's slow, and it's kind of like high steps. But it's a one-two, just as flowing fluent as any other one-two in this league. I got the wrong end of it, but I think they need to look at it again and need to understand that that's not a travel.

"What happens is when you take a crab dribble and you hesitate, that is not one step, because you still basically have a live ball. And then when you go into your one-two that's when the steps get counted. So if you look at the play, I take a crab dribble and find a crease and then I take my one-two. So it's a perfectly legal play, something I've always done and always been successful with."

So it's something James and only James does in the NBA, but it's perfectly legal because he's gotten away with it before. And it even has it's own name, which reinforces that fact that it's legal.

Coming up next: LeBron joins G.W. Bush; says US does not "torture" but uses "enhanced interrogation techniques."


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