What Does "Pull Yourself Up By Your Own Boostraps" Mean To You?

Because to the Congressional Republicans, it apparently means: "People who aren't rich should have no problem selling their bodies for lunchmeat if will help get them out of debt."

As the BG reports, the stimulus would give the state of Massachusetts "at least $6.5 billion in federal aid during the next two years - and residents would receive nearly $5 billion more in tax relief, unemployment checks, food stamps, and other benefits ."

Tax relief? Employed Americans? Isn't that part of the GOP platform? I see things like "The Republican Party will put a stop to both social engineering and corporate handouts by simplifying tax policy, eliminating special deals, and putting those saved dollars back into the taxpayers’ pockets," and, "Businesses and employees, working together, are best suited to addressing the challenges ahead," but how can people save money or start business if they are broke or unemployed? Hmmmmm?

(and on a side note, is everyone going with the Calm Sea Blue background because Obama won? The guy didn't get 300+ because of his campaign's color-scheme, people)

Is the current Congressional GOP going to listen to the American People, or to losers like Rudy Giuliani (who couldn't win a primary) and Rush Limbaugh (who doesn't run for any type of office and only cares about himself)?

Between this and the Corporate Bailouts, Randi Rhodes seems like a genius for stating that the GOP is about "Socialism for the Rich/Capitalism for Everyone Else."


cutting taxes isnt a bad plan, as long as you cut the right taxes, and then make sure that some who are currenty not paying do so.

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