Bush's Book

Wonder if that includes things like

  1. Redefining torture as "enhanced interrogation techniques"

  2. Allowing Valerie Plame to be outed as a covert agent

  3. Blaming Iraq for 9/11

  4. Not firing Donald Rumsfeld earlier

  5. Not firing Alberto Gonzales earlier

  6. Not firing Karl Rove earlier

  7. Pushing for tax cuts in the middle of two wars

  8. Trying to make his personal lawyer a Supreme Court Justice

  9. Making the unqualified Mike Brown the face of FEMA and the Katrina rescue efforts

  10. Blaming the souring economy on the Clinton Administration

  11. Giving a speech about "combat operations in Iraq has ended" under a banner that read, "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED."

  12. Saying that working three jobs is "uniquely American" while being on vacation 40% of his presidency.


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