Glad To See I'm Not Alone

Me over a week ago:

In other words: Michael Steele has proven to be less than a figurehead; he's the "hip" face of a party who has, to date, ignored him. He will say what he needs to say to the audience he's speaking to. And while this is somewhat expected in politics, people at least appreciate a sense of nuisance. Steele has repeatedly told one story to a venue then contradict that story at another venue, which was why I was hesitant when I saw the growing number of black celebrities coming out to support this guy (as if he had any desire to deal with issues like civil rights, poverty or health care). He doesn't care. And in the day of 24-hr news and YouTube, you can't contradict yourself and expect to get away.

Steele reinforced that sentiment recently. But a reader from TPM highlights it a little bit better than I did:

I just wanted to pass along an observation. I think that with a lot of Michael Steele's gaffes, he seems to say whatever he perceives to be the opinion of the person to whom he is speaking at the moment. Then later he has to backtrack because it doesn't match the conservative orthodoxy. Take a look back at all the misstatements he has made and to whom he has made them. The man is a mirror. He just reflects back what he thinks you want him to say.


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