A Little More Insight

On Hardball last night, Chris Matthews had this interesting exchange with Rick Hertzberg (senior editor and staff writer for the “New Yorker"):

MATTHEWS: What do you make of Tom Ridge‘s statement that he‘s going to be looking into this. Quote—here‘s what Tom Ridge said today in a late statement. “So let‘s begin the discussion of ideas, with a respectful contest, as Pennsylvania and the nation continue to work collectively through these challenging times.”

The very popular two-term governor of this state—Rick Hertzberg, get in on this. This guy‘s pro-choice. He‘s been tough on things like the MX, military waste. He‘s been very independent with people like Dick Cheney. Can he bring back the Rockefeller Republican party?

HERTZBERG: Somebody is going to have to eventually. I mean, the Club for Growth is not universally popular in the Republican party. I mean, do you know what Huckabee said about the Club for Growth? This is a year ago December. I interviewed him. He called it the Club for Greed. He called it a despicable political hit organization that has no integrity and is cowardly, has a disregard for the realities of how you actually govern.

He said governing would be very simple under their formula. It wouldn‘t require an IQ of a broccoli to do it, because you just go and you say, we‘re going to eliminate all taxes. That‘s the Club for Growth. That‘s what the Republican party—that‘s one of the corners they‘ve painted themselves into.

Hertzberg is referring to this Mike Huckabee. That tells me all I need to know about Club for Growth. Despite the mumblings, they are not the right-wing version of MoveOn.org; MoveOn.org did not oust any moderate Democrat or force a moderate Democrat into the GOP.

You can see the exchange at about the 5:00 mark:

Bottom line: the GOP's continuous drive to the right (complete with endorsements of crazy fringe groups) is pushing one-time conservatives and moderates out. That's not a recipe for winning elections.

Oh and here's Colbert's take:

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