Memo to Tea Party People

This is what happens when you have a real protest.


CJ said…
Right. I'm impressed.

You have people being arrested who accomplished what, exactly? Nothing.

That, and idiot posters over at your link site seem to believe that Ellison and his group actually went to the Sudan to protest. I guess they don't know the difference between the country and an embassy.

"Were any Republicans there, or issuing statements condemning Sudan's actions?

Probably not, since their constituents might object.

Not only that but the republican'ts might not make it back to the US alive if they were to go over there"

I'll take grassroots protests about the problems in America over this dog and pony show any day, thanks.
Pryme said…
The difference is, these protesters were prepared to be arrested for their cause, where the Tea Party people backed off when they were told to take their bags and go home (they apparently had no permit).

Protesting is more about challenging the system and less about dressing up and yelling while swinging a sign around.

And as for the commenters on that site, it's been a mixed bag of views lately. Also, it's not my site, so take any complaints you have about them with them.

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