Right On The Money

Jamison Foser hits it:

Today, more than 200 years after the Boston Tea Party, United States citizens who live in their nation's capital are subject to taxation without representation.

Actual taxation without representation. Not the "my elected officials aren't doing what I want" kind; the "I don't have elected officials" kind. The kind that led colonists in Massachusetts to flavor the Boston Harbor.

Now, here's the amazing part: Every major news organization in the country covered Wednesday's tea parties. And, in doing so, they all ignored the fact that residents of Washington, D.C., are subject to the very conditions that led to the Boston Tea Party.

Damn right. I don't recall anyone on FoxNews calling for revolution when President Bush had the "No Taxation Without Representation" licenses removed from his limos (Clinton had them added to show support for D.C. residents). But because President Obama asked, asked, for some accountability from the banks (and not enough compared to the Big 3 Automakers, IMHO), America witnessed the combined temper tantrums of three disenfranchised groups: the business cable shows (who were complicit in the recession by playing footsie with the very companies they're supposed to report on), FoxNews (who is staunchly pro-GOP and has little use for a Democratic President and a Democratically-controlled Congress) and the anti-Obama crowd (Bush/Cheney-lovers, bigots, anti-liberals and those who wanted McCain/Palin in the White House).

Well, they had their tea party. Good for them. I wonder if D.C. will ever get theirs.


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