Quote Of The Day

It's cute how they completely skip over the part of developing a philosophy of human progress and just want to steal the word, without necessarily having it mean anything. Wingnuts are silly.

This goes back to my general thesis about how right-wingers parse language. Definitions and meanings are absolutely nothing to them - they don't even cognitively process what a word means. All they understand is if the language sounds positive or negative to their ears. The truth-value of all declarative statements is determined solely by matching positives to positives and negatives to negatives. For example, low taxes (good) is liberty (good) and Barack Obama (bad) is a terrorist (bad).

When we start saying things like single-payer health care (= socialism, therefore bad) helps small business (good) they look at us like we just told them 2 + 2 = 5. It violates their simplistic method of language analysis, and therefore makes no "sense" to them.

Essentially their understanding of politics, economics, constitutional law, philosophy, history and just about anything else is about equivalent to that of a not-terribly-bright dog.

ElBruce, responding to a Think Progress post about conservatives who think it may be a good idea to co-op the word "progressive."


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