"I Want My Country Back!"

What does that even mean? Did I miss the part where we turned over the entire country over to non-patriotic, government-hating, democracy-loathing saboteurs?

If I remember correctly, we had an election. One between two candidates, an old white male for the Republicans and a young black male for the Democrats. The majority of American voters choose the Democrat.

But looking at the cable news, you'd think we never had an election. you'd think that the Democratic President, the black guy, was part of a 48-year plot to infiltrate American politics and turn America into Soviet Russia or Nazi Germany or the Matrix or something.

As I've posted here before (either personally or through links) it seems apparent that for some people, this whole "I Want My Country Back!" shouting refers to either political ideology, party affiliation or race. Barack Obama is a left-leaning Democrat who happens to be African American; to many Americans, he doesn't represent them. I understand this feeling; "Friends" didn't represent me in the least yet it was one of the most popular shows on TV.

But I think these people need to take a step away from the talking heads who are telling them to be afraid and stock up on guns (you have to ask yourself, are the talking heads taking their own advice here?) and ask themselves what tangible evidence they have they are "losing." As Chris Rock once said, "If they're losing, who's winning?"

Have cops stopped pulling over black men in fancy cars? Are movies not being directed/produced by Spike Lee or Tyler Perry suddenly using predominately all-black actors? Do all black women suddenly feel comfortable with their own hair?

Nobody is losing anything; it's called change. And the ironic thing is, this isn't really the change Obama was talking about; he's just the de facto face of a growing multicultural society that's been in this country for a few decades now. It's just some people didn't realize what was happening until they clicked on the TV and saw a black guy on the screen with the caption "President of the United States" under his picture.

Then again:

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Sometimes, when I'm feeling really paranoid, I wonder if all this isnt following some sort of plan. Start out with a lot of fear of the Other. Then, make the rabble fear for their ammo and guns, and thus buy a bunch more. Then add more fear, with such ideas as concentration camps or "death boards". Get everyone (on your side) in a lather, dry the tinder out real good, throw a match and let the shaving begin! (to mix metaphors there).
Liberals arent generally armed in this country, not like right-wingers are, anyway, so they ought to be fairly easy to conquer.
But they forgot something, I think. Gangs and gangmembers are armed, and I suspect they have good supply lines to get more, and I really dont see them joining with the crazies on the Right, do you? Which doesnt mean they'll join the Left, either.
But let's say they do; guess who become the heroes of the next few generations: that's right, the gangsters. History's like a wheel, man.

Or that's how I'd write it if I was a sci-fi author, anyway.

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