Don't Believe the Anti-Hype

This WashPost article claims in the headline that "Most Americans still divided on overall packages," which would imply a 50/50 or near 50/50 split on the various ideas put out since mid-summer. Yet when looking at the poll questions, we find that:
  1. 57% of Americans want the government to create a health care plan that competes with private health insurance plans;
  2. 45% of Americans support the changes Congress and President Obama are proposing;
  3. 56% of Americans support a law requiring Americans to have health insurance;
  4. When asked if the "plan" involves too much government involvement, the response was 42% yes, 34% just enough and 21% not enough.
  5. Also, 43% polled think reform would hurt Medicare (wonder where they got that idea?) and 68% think that reform would increase the deficit.
Regardless where you stand on the issue, these numbers hardly imply a divided nation on health reform. They think it's necessary and like the ideas (so far) but are worried about it's impact. It's not that complicated.

But as long as it is complicated, it's a news story.


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