LOST: Black (Rock) Dynamite

Wow. Definitely an episode to remember. We learn some things, see some old familiar faces and still manage to keep chugging along to the series finale. The Anti-Smoke Squad is split over how to stop Flake-Locke from leaving the Island, X-Desmond is starting to bring people together (through LOVE!) and Hurley (who's got cash in both realities) is caught in the middle in both storylines.

  1. As Hugo noted, the whispers are coming from dead people the Island won't/can't let go.
  2. While hinted at from Charlie, Hugo's date with Libby proves that Desmond isn't the only character who has glimpsed the "regular world" on the Island.
  3. Desmond knew (more or less) what Widmore was doing to him.
  4. In the X-world, Libby is at Santa Clara voluntarily.
  5. Fake Locke, despite turning into black smoke on occasion, still needs to drink.
  6. Pierre Chang hasn't aged in the X-world, and has changed career paths.
  1. Ilana's death shows that Hurley was right to be cautious; I'm trying to figure out how these guys were going to get the dynamite across to the other island without have of the group blowing up.
  2. Michael's ghost apparently can't talk to the other ghosts.
  3. X-Ben is really protective of the students at his school.
  4. Desmond is the only person other than Fake-Locke who can see The Boy.
  5. I think it's safe to say that Sayid is completely on the Dark Side because the old Sayid would have questioned have of what Fake-Locke is doing/saying (moreso than Sawyer). Otherwise, he's doing one hell of a con job.
  1. We've had evidence that the people behind the whispers can talk to each other, so why does Michael imply that he can't talk to Libby himself? Does this mean that only people who die together can interact with each other?
  2. Why hadn't Pierre Chang aged?
  3. What ever happened to Hugo's date?
  4. Why did X-Desmond run over Locke?
  5. Why did Fake-Locke throw Desmond down the well?
  6. Where's George? Why isn't he driving Desmond around anymore?


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