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  1. "This game kind of is a capsule of our season. Started off great, had some tough times and then just kind of fight through, and ended up very successful at the end."
  2. "It is much more important for him to talk about his economic policies and what he's trying to get accomplished -- and to solicit support from the electorate nationwide-- than it is for him to campaign for congressional and senatorial candidates at this point."
  3. "Some states like Maine and Rhode Island, the entire state used school-located vaccine clinics. They were really quite aggressive."
  4. “That’s the first we learned of it, and we took very strong action. We don’t have knowledge of any bullying or other incidents before that. No one turned their back on this. I think we did everything we could. If I thought I had done something wrong, I would resign. But I think we did our best.’’
  5. “The most important issue in the Chinese-American relationship is currency. It relates to American jobs, American wealth and the future of this country. This issue should not be traded for another.”


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