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  1. "This is smacking me right in the face that it's the wrong way around, especially considering where the zipper stops. We ask for celebs to be more inventive on the red carpet, but this isn't what I had in mind."
  2. There’s very little available for these kids. A lot of things have basically failed so far.’’
  3. "We have to warn Matt and Trey that what they are doing is stupid and they will probably wind up like Theo Van Gogh for airing this show."
  4. "People have been so focused on fat that we haven't been focused on sugar, and it's gotten away from us. This data show we can't let either one or the other get too high."
  5. "We are doing the kind of blitz that you saw at the end of health care on regulation reform."
  6. "I ask the forgiveness of all those to whom I may have been unfair and to those who I may have caused heartache."
  7. “I’m not against scientific research. I just want it to be done right. They used our blood for all these studies, people got degrees and grants, and they never asked our permission.”
  8. "We've always had a cannabis tinge to our culture. What we have now is a very entrenched industry that's making a lot of money off the fact that it's illegal."


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