LOST: That Sinking Feeling

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Wow. Just wow. Jack's comment, "There is no Sayid" says it all. And as of the end of the episode, you can probably say the same of Sun, Jin and Frank. I could go into the off-Island flash-ways, but there wasn't as much there as there was in the "real" world. Well, except for the fact that (once again) Jack's obsession with fixing things leads to embarrassment. Anyway; as questionable as events were, we learned that there are now three candidates (Jack, Hurley and Sawyer) three wild cards (Kate, Miles and Claire) and three "protectors" (Richard and Ben) left. At this point, the wild cards and the "protectors" are still expendable, but something tells me at least two of them will do something awesome before the series finale.

  1. Smokey knows how to rig explosives; I just find this interesting considering his smashing Zoe's radio seemed to indicate that he wasn't a fan of technology.
  2. Whatever his final intentions for them, Smokey planned to keep the group together the whole time.
  3. In the X-World, Locke's accident was caused by a plane crash; more specifically, him trying to fly.
  4. Claire's pretty good with a gun. In fact, by this point in the show everyone but Hurley seems to be fairly comfortable with shooting guns. Talk about coming a long way.
  1. Going by Ben's "When the Island's done with you, you die" logic, we can argue that after Sayid confirmed Desmond's living status and whereabouts, and how to deactivate the bomb, he purpose had been served.
  2. By the same token, Jack's theory that the bomb wouldn't go off seemed to be valid.
  3. Had Jack let Hurley wait around, it's possible (though not probable) that Hurley could have gotten Kate and Sawyer out (Kate was conscious; Hurley would only have to focus on Sawyer; the three could split an oxygen tank; they were roughly three "sub"-minutes from resurfacing). Jack could have then helped Jin save Sun.
  4. In Season Two, Jack wouldn't push a button (that Locke believed needed to be pushed, least they all die) because he didn't believe. In this episode, Jack would diffuse a bomb (that Sawyer believed needed to be diffused least they all die) because he did believe.
  5. Frank (the Ajira pilot) had another "pilot" (of the sub) at gunpoint.
  6. Sayid, despite playing against common stereotypes of those of Muslim descent, dies carrying a bomb intended to kill a group of people (mostly Americans).
  1. What was Jin and Sun's purpose? (Again, using Ben's theory). They didn't reveal anything crucial or do anything of consequence; if this was their end it could have well been Nikki and Paulo or Rose and Bernard in that damn sub.
  2. Why did Claire wait so long to try to get to the sub? Even friggin' Hurley managed to get in before her. Didn't she notice that everyone had stopped shooting?
  3. Did Widmore really set the charges on the plane? If so, then what the hell are Richard, Ben and Miles doing?
  4. What's the tally of the non-main cast background crew, namely the remaining 815 survivors, the Others who were with Ben before the Freighter came, the Others who were with Richard before the Island starting jumping through time, and the Other at the Temple with Dogan? Sure, some of these people went from one group to another, but not all of them did. And what of those in Smokey's Group who survived the mortar attack and ran into the jungle?
  5. Why did Sawyer want Jack to take care of Smokey?
  6. If Smokey knows how to make a bomb, does he know how to disable the one on the Ajira plane completely?


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