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  1. "I would put this at the tough end of things. It's not mission impossible but it's a difficult mission."
  2. "This therapy results in dramatic responses for patients -- it's phenomenal. I've been taking care of patients with advanced melanoma for 25 years and this is one of the most important breakthroughs we've seen."
  3. "We were not attacked by the Muslim world," said Donna O'Connor, spokeswoman for September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, whose pregnant daughter was killed in the World Trade Center attacks. "We 100 percent fully support the Islamic cultural center in New York City."
  4. "Salmonella enteritidis contamination of poultry products appears to approach epidemic proportions and the dangers of contamination are very real," wrote the federal judge, Herbert L. Murray. "However, the state of Maryland cannot act, on its own initiative, to protect the citizens of another state from eggs that the Maryland Department of Agriculture suspects might be contaminated."
  5. "I don't know how anyone could, you know, go to bed and sleep at night knowing that they've just locked a cat in a wheelie bin."


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