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  1. "Our argument is very simple: we either keep moving forward or we go back to the policies that got us into this mess."
  2. "It's a terrific performance, it's the performance of his career," Affleck tells reporter Michael Cieply, later adding that, "We wanted to create a space ... you believe what's happening is real."
  3. “I believe the battle over cap and trade in America is taking place in California on Nov. 2 of this year,” said Dan Logue, a Republican assemblyman from north-central California who wrote the ballot initiative. He added: “What we’re saying is, this is not the time for political correctness. This is a time for putting America back to work; let the experiments happen later.”
  4. "See you October 30 on the National Mall to spread the timeless message, 'Take it down a notch for America,'" he said. "A million Moderate march, where we take to the streets to send a message to our leaders and our national media that says, 'We are here! We... are only here until six though, because we have a sitter.'"


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