A Poll That Says Alot About Today's Politcs


The Pew Research/National Journal poll finds that Republicans, in particular, favor politicians who don't give an inch, with 62% saying they admire leaders who stick to their positions. Democrats take the oppose approach: 54% said they prefer elected officials who compromise.

While it's awesome to have a representative who is true to his/her convictions, without occasional compromise very few things would get done in politics. At the same time, trying to compromise with a group who really doesn't want to concede any ground will lead to minuscule and fragile progress.

It's not about one side getting its way all the time; it's about finding a healthy, rational consensus. Sadly, what passing for "healthy, rational consensus" these days has been defined by one side who fears their base and another who continuously ignores their base.

(Keeping in mind that the Tea Party pretty much hates compromising of any kind, the results of this poll plus the recent primary result makes the next two elections very important)


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