Don't Fall In Love With The Politician

The one thing the liberal base has in common with the conservative base is this semi-constant need to prove your ideological fervor. I've read and watched with amusement countless political-types who get propped up as the Spokesperson for the Liberal America only to get torn down or attacked the moment they do or say something third-wayish.

It's no surprise to me that both Howard Dean and Dennis Kucinich -both considered part of the Liberal Gold Standard back in 2004- are subjects of stories that shed them in a less-than-liberal light. Time and events change opinions, and anyone who's ever been in elected office can tell you that complete adherence to your political ideology will guarantee that a chunk of your voters will be isolated (and pissed).

So these guys have done what anyone who wants to still be in the game do: they adjust. That means occasionally doing things that piss off the base.

The bottom line is people need to stop falling in love with politicians, whether it's Dean or Obama or Ron Paul or Sarah Palin. Eventually, they'll all say or do something that doesn't fit with your political belief system. This doesn't make them traitors or turncoats; it's just what politicians do.


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