Another Liberal Hero Bites The Dust

Up until this past  Sunday, Cory Booker was one of the few elected politicians the average liberal could rally around. That was before he went on TV and made it harder for Democrats to argue that Bain Capital specializes in wrecking companies and firing people for profit. Now? Nice knowing ya, pal!

Look, I believe it's the liberal base's job to hold the politicians and pundits responsible when they slip or sell out. But there's a difference between that and getting puffy because you didn't know where they stand on all of the issues. And surprise, surprise, not every elected Democrat or regular left-leaning TV pundit is liberal on every issue!

So my advice is check these jokers out before you fall in love with them. Me? I'll be waiting for the liberal blogosphere to turn on Elizabeth Warren for saying something more moderate/conservative in a year or two.

UPDATE: This is what I mean about doing a background check, people: he isn't a traitor; he's just standing up for his financial backer.


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