Nancy Pelosi is WEAK.

She just undercut Maxine Waters, one of the few Democrats who came close to mimicking this so-called "resistance" to President Trump's more dangerous policies.

Now, has Trump done anything to warrant impeachment? In a world where Bill Clinton was impeached because he lied about oral sex, I really can't be sure myself.

But to take that weapon out of the picture, much like she did when the Democrats regained Congress under the Bush Administration, handicaps the Democrats.

When Obama was president, Republicans dropped impeachment threats all the time. We all knew they weren't going to do anything (either their case was flimsy or the person making it had little credibility), but the threat served three purposes:

  1. It let the President know that they will be watching his every move for screw-ups;
  2. It let the party's base know that they are worth being in the majority;
  3. It let the opposition party know that they should play nice (whether they were in power or not).
Pelosi gave all that away with her back-peddling. Sure, the Democrats can't authorize a birthday party right now (on both the state and federal level) but the GOP has shown us that lack of numbers does not mean that your voice can't be heard.

If the Democrats don't start barking and balking soon, the media will go back to "Republican Prism" mode, and all the Democrat-friendly and left-leaning outlets will bemoan why (once again) all the political shows are chick full of Republicans.

(Here's a hint: it's because Democrats like Pelosi would rather act like Republican-lite and play nice-nice instead of being the opposition party, and that just isn't as entertaining as a guy rambling about being walls and starting a war with Australia).


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