The Religious Right Constantly Bluff Politicians, and It's Past Time to Call Their Bluff

 I use to say that, "If men could get pregnant, there'd be an abortion clinic on every block." I still believe that, but the reaction to the Supreme Court leak had me thinking about a more realistic yet equally improbable way to call the bluff of those on the right side of American politics who also happen to be associated with Christianity.

(I'm not using terms like "Christian Republicans" on purpose. There are a lot of denominations, and if you think every one is being represented politically you're dreaming)

Ready? It is EXTREMEMLY CONTROVERSIAL and believe me when I say not only would current, former and potential members of Congress not want to vote on it, they would not want to even discuss it.

Here it is:

Ban pre-marital sex.

I know, right? Name one conservative Republican in Congress who would say they are for this.  Now how could this even work? Well, use the template that Texas is using for abortion: empower citizens to report fornicators to the authorities. Fathers can now keep their daughters safe from sketchy dudes; mothers can keep their wholesome sons protected from the floozies. Reports of sexual assault, harassment and rape will be re-defined. 

I'm being incredibility facetious here, but it's hard to argue that this isn't the endgame. Why would the response to those who said having to carry a birth to term would be a financial burden be, "Well, you made your bed now lie in it?" Sounds like the underlining problem some people have is sex. So let's call their bluff and see where they really stand.  


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