The Duran on the French President and the British Foreign Secretary Teaming Up Against Russia


My humble take? There are, generally-speaking, three factions in the leadership of the West (aka, NATO, US, Canada...):

  • Stuck In The Past; Blind to the Present: These people still believe it's like the "glory days" where the West did what they wanted, mostly led by the United States. These leaders still believe that their countries have the best military, best economy and best moral standing. Sadly, this belief also makes them think that they can easily defeat China, Russia and/Iran in conventionally military combat.
  • True Believers: They see the world in black & white, where the West is Good and Everyone Else is Evil. For them, the moral standing mentioned above carries more weight than everything else, and any "flaws" pointed out is negligible. "Ukraine has Nazis?" "Russia is worse." "Israel is indiscriminately bombing and purposefully starving a group of people trapped in an open-air prison in genocidal fashion?" "They were promised the land they have, and have the right to defend themselves against the violent Hamas and their backers." The danger with this group is how they choose to accept the reality of the situation as more and more information is revealed.
  • The Cornered Kings & Queens: In other words, people in power who can feel that the gig is up. I can only imagine how it feels to be in a high position for a long time and realize that everything you're used to may change before the next generation. While one or two may resign themselves to the inevitable, far too many are likely to lash out and scorch the Earth in hopes of being able to rule over the ashes. Add to that that those in the first two factions are prone to become this when the truth become undeniable even to their class, and this is the faction to fear the most.  


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